As a leading property developer in the region, we maximise value for our stakeholder by making our buildings sustainable. These buildings are more climate-resilient. They improve resource usage efficiency and the well-being of customers and tenants.


We adopt a holistic approach to incorporating sustainability into the life cycle of our properties. At each stage of the life cycle, we consider both environmental and social impacts. In the reporting period, we tailored a new “Sustainable Building Guideline”. This set of guidelines provides a direction on the decision-making processes during the life cycle of our properties.

Planning and Design

  1. Adopt active and passive design

    • Improve resource efficiency
    • Interact with local microclimate

Our Measures

  • Active design to improve energy efficiency, water conservation and indoor environmental quality of buildings
  • Passive design to optimise interaction with the local microclimate
  • Installation of renewable energy systems
  • Incorporation of biophilic design features
  • Design measures for occupants’ health and safety
  • Benchmarking sustainable certifications for new buildings
  • Cultural and heritage conservation
  • Stakeholder engagement


  1. Prioritising the use of sustainable construction materials

  2. Incorporating socio-economic considerations

Our Measures

  • Prioritising the use of sustainable construction materials, such as using timber products from sustainable forests certified by Forest Stewardship Council (“FSC”) or Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (“PEFC”)
  • Incorporating socio-economic considerations in the procurement process, such as promoting fair inclusion and opportunities for diverse suppliers


  1. Apply BIM technology and Virtual Spatial Mock-Up

Our Measures

  • By the advanced application of BIM, Virtual Spatial Mock-Up (“VSMU”) was adopted instead of traditional timber mock-up to reduce the wastage of natural resources
  • Using materials with better recycling potential in temporary works, such as using metal scaffolding and aluminium formwork to reduce the wastage of timber and bamboo
  • Use of prefabricated and reinforced concrete to reduce on-site environmental pollution
  • Reduction of dependence on fossil fuel-derived energy
  • Proper management of air, water, noise and waste
  • Health and safety tender requirements and training

Operation and Maintenance

  1. Retrofitting for efficient resource use

  2. Maintenance for occupants’ well-being

Our Measures

  • System upgrades and retrofitting for energy efficiency and water conservation
  • Participation in a local Feed-in Tariff Scheme
  • Proper management for indoor environmental quality
  • Regular facility maintenance for health and safety of occupants
  • Conducting climate resilience assessment
  • Obtaining sustainable certifications for existing buildings
  • Stakeholder engagement and collaboration

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