In business, value chain is the process by which all products, information and finances are interlinked in an optimal flow, creating better value for partner companies and end users, while improving operational efficiency. Though innovation and technology, we provide quality service and diverse activities for customers to promote sustainability. In addition, we prioritise responsible supply chain management.

At Kerry Properties, our Board of Directors oversee the Group's sustainability direction as well as the ESG programmes related to stakeholders including our suppliers. We view our value chain, aligned with relevant UNSDGs, as a core strength underpinning the delivery of exceptional products and services to the communities we serve. By performing thorough “Service Provider Evaluation” to assess suppliers’ product or service quality and their sustainability performance, we aim to raise on sustainability throughout our supply chain.


Areas of focus

Customer Orientation

Customer Orientation

Responsible Supply Chain Management

Responsible Supply Chain Management



Targets by 2030

*Compared to FY2022

Performance Highlights 2023


Value chain and community-related performance data cover our managed properties and property projects under development in Hong Kong and the Mainland (exclude hotels).

Sustainability Spotlights

Responsible supply chain management

Customer Orientation

Explore Other Pillars