Environmental stewardship is a responsibility we all share. From the outset of our business operations, Kerry Properties has been aware that every decision made, and every action enacted can have consequences for the future.

For example, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, we are formulating a comprehensive carbon reduction roadmap. Short-, medium-, and long-term periods were established as an initial step. Kerry Properties attaches great importance to cooperation with tenants. The launch of dark green leasing and supplier engagement programmes underscore our dedication to taking a comprehensive, collaborative approach across the full life cycle of our developments and activities.

In collaboration with all our stakeholders, we want to be the change for good – building a better world through continuous improvement in environmental performance, whilst being equally focused on the well-being of humanity. This approach, we believe, is the cornerstone of sustainable development.


Areas of focus

Sustainable Buildings

Sustainable Buildings

Energy Management

Energy Management

Waste Management

Waste Management

Indoor Air Quality Management

Indoor Air Quality Management

Water Management

Water Management



Green Culture

Green Culture

Climate Change

Climate Change

Targets by 2030

*Compared to FY2022

Performance Highlights 2023


Environmental data covers our owned and managed investment properties in Hong Kong and the Mainland.
Approximately 82% of our own and managed investment properties are certified with ISO 14001.

Performance Figure

Hong Kong and the Mainland GHG Emissions Summary

Scope 1 — Direct GHG Emissions (Tonnes of CO2e)

Scope 2 — Indirect GHG (Location-based) Emissions (Tonnes of CO2e)

Scope 3 — Other Indirect GHG Emissions (Tonnes of CO2e)

Total GHG (Location-based) Emissions (Tonnes of CO2e)

GHG Intensity (Tonnes of CO2e/1,000 ft2)

Sustainability Spotlights

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